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The case for both functional and structural systemic mental health service upgrades 

-Declaration for Systemic Mental Health Renovations in Canada for Canadians -

By Mother, Somatic Educator, Coach, Patient Advocate, and Human Rights Activist Marlene J. Hibbs-

Collectively, our nation is fully aware of our moral duty to rapidly optimize mental health upgrades that are easily accessible, and personalized to be restorative and preventative in their design so that each and every individual have equal opportunity to express their greatest version of bodily autonomy and functioning. 


  Ultimately, to heal and educate the mind of a person suffering with mental illness is to also heal their body in its entire physicality.

For how can a person be functioning fully and freely within our country if the functioning within their body is inhibited by mental illness in their mind?


  The answer is, they cannot, do not, and will not, until they are treated with the same rights and liberties as someone who exhibits as having a physically life threatening illness. Illness of the mind, is one in the same as illness in the physical body, for they both express from the same place, therefore, a person can only be healed when they are witnessed as being a whole Being and not seen as an object with separate parts.


  Furthermore, the means where by each individual is healed, educated and liberated into their fullest functioning is directly correlated and mirrored to be the truth in the volume of grace, compassion, courage and peace personified as Being Canada, "The true North, Strong and Free;" thus manifesting the freedom of what it is to be free in Canada when declaring,"I am Canadian!"


Please show your support by returning this letter signed back to me, so that I may bring it to our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to demonstrate that Canadians stand united for systemic mental health renovations, and upgrades; that regardless of the individuals narrative, their pain has meaning, is deserving of healing, and liberation for themselves, and ultimately liberation for Canada.


In compassion, gratitude and peace,

 Marlene Hibbs


Please sign your copy and return it to me at so that it may be brought to Prime Minster Justin Trudeau and Ottawa and presented as both evidence and support for the case of systemic mental health renovations for Canadians and Canada.

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